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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 349 - Quality, Reliability and Measurement System
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Quality and Productivity Section
Abstract #306663
Title: Objective Comparison of Confidence Bound Methods for Binomial Series System Reliability
Author(s): Edward Schuberg*
Companies: MARC
Keywords: confidence bound; reliability; series system; binomial data; delta coverage

Obtaining lower confidence bounds on the reliability of a series system remains a problem of interest. Engineers and practitioners desire methods with good properties to obtain lower confidence bounds when only component-level binomial test data are available. The reliability estimates drive important decision-making involved with expensive systems, such as satellites and weapons. With numerous methods proposed in the literature, it can be an overwhelming task to select the method which best handles the scenario at hand. We develop a software tool in R (available in the ‘serieslcb’ package) through which users can discover the method(s) that best suit their situation. The tool runs user-defined simulations and then outputs recommended methods based on objective comparisons utilizing a delta coverage metric. This talk will discuss some of the proposed methods in the literature, the delta coverage comparison strategy, and the design of the software tool.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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