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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 416 - Nonresponse Errors and Fixes
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Survey Research Methods Section
Abstract #306462
Title: Using Survey Contact History to Study the Effect of Interviewer Strategies on Respondent Behavior
Author(s): John Dixon*
Companies: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Keywords: paradata; correspondence analysis; nonresponse; interviewer stratagies

Paradata collected during the Current Population Survey (CPS) includes strategies employed by the interviewer to gain respondent cooperation, as well as the outcomes of attempted contacts. The Contact History Instrument (CHI) includes measures of interviewer strategies before, during or immediately after a contact attempt (e.g., left a contact card, checked with a neighbor, left promotional packet), concerns expressed by respondents (e.g., too busy, privacy), and contact outcome (e.g., completed the interview, nonresponse). Each time the interviewer attempts to contact the respondent he or she records the outcome as well as attendant strategies. Correspondence analysis is a useful method to analyze strategies and outcomes as it explores the relationship between sets of categorical variables. In the current study, strategies chosen by interviewers are related to concerns and contact outcomes using correspondence analysis. Two models will be used, one for contact, where the contact strategies are related to contact outcomes, and a separate model where interviewer strategies for persuading respondents to participate are related to subsequent respondent concerns.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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