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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 504 - The Future of Statistical Consulting and Collaboration
Type: Topic Contributed
Date/Time: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Section on Statistical Consulting
Abstract #304948
Title: Personalized Statistics, Case Studies from an Isolated Statistician: Breaking Free of Convention and Implementing Impactful Analyzes That Make the Scientific Team Happy
Author(s): Naomi Brownstein*
Companies: Moffitt Cancer Center
Keywords: Expert judgment; longitudinal data; multiple testing; descriptive statistics; models; prediction

As a statistical consultant or collaborator in a multidisciplinary team, we may encounter scientific colleagues informing us of traditional, preferred ways that “the field” analyzes data. However, some of these conventional analyses may not be statistically valid. Applied statisticians may find it challenging to balance the demands of our clients and collaborators with our demand for statistical rigor. Yet, with careful communication and leadership skills, we may frequently be able to design valid, interpretable analyses that satisfy the entire scientific team. This talk presents case studies of such interactions. Examples are provided from the point of view of an applied – and formerly isolated – statistician. The statistical problems are briefly discussed along with their solutions and reactions from collaborators.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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