The 2020 Census will be the first decennial census to promote an internet response option and is expected to be the prevalent mode of response for many households. Targeted areas of the country will receive a paper questionnaire in the first mailing, along with information on completing their census online. Conversely, other areas will receive their first mailing with only informational material encouraging internet participation. These mailings will primarily be in English, but areas with a higher concentration of Spanish speakers will receive material in English and Spanish. With many changes in the census design, it is critical for planning purposes to have strong models to predict self-response. Therefore, a model was developed at the tract-level to predict overall response and internet response for the 2020 Census. The model is based on data from preceding Census Bureau data, market segmentation data, and enhanced low-response score models previously constructed by the Census Bureau. In this poster presentation, we summarize the methodology for developing the model, and include visualizations to highlight the geographic spread of the projected internet self-response rate.