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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 240 - Topics in Multiplicity and Control of False Discovery Rate
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Monday, July 29, 2019 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Biopharmaceutical Section
Abstract #304568 Presentation
Title: A General Solution to Multiple Hypothesis Testing Problem with Constraints
Author(s): Huajiang Li* and Hong Zhou
Companies: Allergan and Arkansas State University
Keywords: multiple testing procedure; type I error control; covering principle; gatekeeping test problem; graphical approach

Multiple hypothesis test is critical in late phase clinical studies when multiple endpoints and/or multiple treatment doses are necessary. Closure principle and partitioning principle are fundamental principles in creating and supporting various forms of multiple testing procedures. The essence of these two principles is the parameter space partitioning. However, when constraints in the sample space instead of in the parameter space exist among testing individual hypotheses such as in the gatekeeping test problem, the direct use of the closure and partitioning principles is usually not efficient.

We proposed a new principle called covering principle that decomposes the whole hypothesis family into a few subfamilies in which all the constraints are removed hence either the closure principle or the partitioning principle can be utilized. We proved that multiple testing procedures constructed using the covering principle strongly control the familywise error rate as long as the multiple tests in each subfamiliy all strongly control the type I error. A brief comparison to the popular graphical approach will be provided for illustration purpose.

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