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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 236 - Linked Data to Advance Evidence Building in Public Policy
Type: Topic Contributed
Date/Time: Monday, July 29, 2019 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Social Statistics Section
Abstract #304279 Presentation 1 Presentation 2
Title: Economics of Disability to Inform Public Policy: A Case Study of North Korea and its Global Standing
Author(s): Paul Chun* and Yun Seo Bae* and Asaph Young Chun* and Steven Machlin* and Joel Cohen*
Companies: Rowan College and ISR Foundation Center for Science Diplomacy and Statistical Research Institute of Statistics Korea; ISR Foundation and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Keywords: Linked data; Data visualization; North Korea; Disability; Survey methodology; Malnutrition

The purpose of this paper is to investigate economics of disabilities in North Korea and inform evidence-based economic policy for persons with disabilities in the form of both rehabilitation and preventive measures among 25 million people in North Korea known as a hermit kingdom. The economics of disability is incredibly difficult to estimate, not only because of the sheer number of economic factors but also the fact that some factors affecting the disabled population cannot be easily quantified. The ability of the disabled population to work and to earn an income is the central issue in the discussion of the economics of disability. Analysis of the economics of disability can be conducted at both the micro and macro level. At the micro level, disability causes economic loss to an individual and to the economy as a whole. At the macro level, policymakers must analyze increased health expenditures as well as the costs and benefits associated with expanding medical studies and social welfare programs relative to the disabled population.

We build models of the economics of the disabled people in the DPRK by applying to the 2008 DPRK Population Census that examine reported prevalence and incidence of disabilities, the 2012 DPRK Nutrition Survey linked to the census data, and other relevant administrative data. Model-based economics of disabilities are informed by extensive linked data visualizations that provide insights behind a massive amount of linked data. We discuss the challenges of defining and quantifying the economics of disabilities in the DPRK in comparison to other countries where reasonable comparison is feasible. We demonstrate that it is in the best interests of survey practitioners and policy makers to provide empirical economic data about the disabled people in DPRK and examine their economic characteristics with those in neighboring countries where the comparable data are available.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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