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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 172 - Quantitative Decision Making in Clinical Trials
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Monday, July 29, 2019 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Biopharmaceutical Section
Abstract #304147
Title: Defensive Efficacy Interim Design: Dynamic Benefit/Risk Ratio View Using Probability of Success
Author(s): Zhongwen Tang*
Companies: Abbvie
Keywords: probability of sucess; group sequential trial design; defensive design

Traditional efficacy interim design is based on alpha spending which does not have intuitive interpretation and hence is difficult to communicate with non-statistician colleagues. The alpha-spending approach is based on efficacy alone and hence does not have the flexibility to incorporate newly emerged safety signals. Newly emerged safety signals may nullify the originally set efficacy boundary. In contrast, the probability of success (POS) concept has an intuitive interpretation and hence can facilitate communication with non-statistician colleagues and help to obtain Health Authority (HA) buy in. The POS success criteria are not restricted to statistical significance. Hence, POS has the capability to incorporate both efficacy and safety information. We propose to use POS and its credible interval to design efficacy interim. In the proposed method, the efficacy boundary is adjustable to offset newly emerged safety signal.

The support of this presentation was provided by AbbVie. AbbVie participated in the review and approval of the content.

Zhongwen Tang is an employee of AbbVie Inc

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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