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Activity Number: 468 - Statistical Methods in Clinical Trials
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 : 8:30 AM to 10:20 AM
Sponsor: Biopharmaceutical Section
Abstract #301865 Presentation
Title: Baseline-Covariate Adjusted Confidence Interval for Proportional Difference Between Two Treatment Groups in Clinical Trials
Author(s): JINGJING CHEN* and Fang Liu
Companies: Takeda Pharmaceuticals and Merck
Keywords: binomial regression; Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel weighted mean approach; logistic regression; modified Poison regression with robust variance; proportional difference; covariate-adjusted confidence interval

The treatment effect of a therapeutic product on a binary endpoint is often expressed as the difference in proportions of subjects with the outcome of interest between the treated and control groups of a clinical trial. Analysis of the proportional difference and construction of the associated confidence interval (CI) is often complicated due to the baseline covariate(s) being associated with the primary endpoint. Analysis adjusting for such baseline covariate(s) generally improves efficiency of hypothesis testing and precision of treatment effect estimation, and avoids possible bias caused by baseline covariate imbalances. Most existing literatures focus on constructing unadjusted or categorical covariate(s) adjusted only CI, which provides very limited advice on how different statistical methods perform and which method is optimal in terms of constructing both categorical and continuous baseline covariate(s) adjusted CI for proportional difference. We review and compare the performance of three commonly used model-based methods as well as the traditional non-parametric weighted-difference methods for the construction of covariate-adjusted CI for proportional difference via a real

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