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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 13 - Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural Surveys (3MC): a Burgeoning Sub-Discipline in Survey Research Methods
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Sunday, July 28, 2019 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Survey Research Methods Section
Abstract #300468
Title: Making the Case for 3MC Surveys as a Subdiscipline in Survey Research
Author(s): Lars Lyberg* and Frauke Kreuter
Companies: Inizio and Joint Program in Survey Methodology
Keywords: International survey research; 3MC surveys; Cross-cultural survey research

Surveys in multinational, multiregional, and multicultural contexts (3MC) are becoming increasingly common. Their main characteristic is that they aim at comparing two or more populations which is in contrast to mono surveys that study just one population. The design and implementation of 3MC surveys are very challenging and originate from different camps and research traditions despite the fact that their common goal is to compare characteristics across populations. Examples of varying research and methodological strands include, but are not limited to, international social surveys, global marketing studies, student assessment surveys and European Union harmonized surveys. It is urgent to create a 3MC subdiscipline within the survey research family so that these strands can come closer and have a common set of shared values and research principles, an academic curriculum, a professional organization, a journal or a named set of publication outlets, and advanced work in various knowledge domains. This paper outlines a process for such a development.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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