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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 214 - Combinatorial Testing: Using Covering Arrays to Maximize the Impact of Testing
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Monday, July 29, 2019 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences
Abstract #300130 Presentation
Title: Visualizing Covering Arrays Using Design Fractals
Author(s): Caleb King* and Joseph Morgan and Ryan Lekivetz
Companies: JMP Division of SAS and JMP Division of SAS and JMP Division of SAS
Keywords: Covering array; Design fractal; Don't care cells; Plotting; Projections; Visualizations

Several visualizations have been proposed in the covering array literature for assessing the coverage properties of these designs. Some of these visualizations have been adapted from correlation plot structures. In this talk, a new visualization technique will be introduced that utilizes a different approach based on column projections of designs. Originally developed for general experimental designs, these visualizations have been found to also have desirable properties for covering array designs. One area of application makes use of “don’t care positions,” which are positions whose values can be changed without affecting the covering property of the design. By using “don’t care positions,” this technique provides a way to visualize how a covering array design can be improved while ensuring that its covering property is preserved.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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