CC = Vancouver Convention Centre
F = Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
50 *
Sun, 7/29/2018,
4:00 PM -
5:50 PM
CC-West 122
Which Sessions Should This Go To? Text Analytics to the Rescue of Conference Committees — Invited Papers
Section on Statistical Computing, Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science, Stats. Partnerships Among Academe Indust. & Govt. Committee
Organizer(s): Stas Kolenikov, Abt Associates
Chair(s): Jeffrey Gonzalez, Bureau of Labor Statistics
4:05 PM
Text Mining Using Discrete Optimization
Jason Pan, Pfizer Inc; Kelly H Zou, Pfizer Inc; Ching-Ray Yu, Pfizer Inc
4:30 PM
Creating a Taxonomy of Statistical Methods Using Text Analysis
Wendy L Martinez, Bureau of Labor Statistics
4:55 PM
Identifying and Utilizing Research Topics in Conference Abstracts
Stas Kolenikov, Abt Associates; Alison Thaung, Abt Associates
5:20 PM
Discussant: Julia D Silge, Stack Overflow
5:45 PM
Floor Discussion