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CC = Vancouver Convention Centre   F = Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver
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Activity Details

196 Mon, 7/30/2018, 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM CC-West Hall B
SPEED: Teaching Statistics: Strategies and Applications — Contributed Poster Presentations
Section on Statistical Education
Chair(s): Paul McNicholas, McMaster University
Oral Presentations for this session.
1: Introducing R to Non-STEM Undergraduates in a Second-Semester Statistics Course
Darlene Olsen, Norwich University
3: The Statistics Workshop: Cultivating Diversity in Statistics
Gretchen Martinet, University of Virginia; Jeffrey J. Holt, University of Virginia
4: Statistical Programming to Principles of Data Science: Rethinking the Traditional Statistical Programming Curricula
Andrew Hoegh, Montana State University
5: Shiny Dashboards to Help Students Improve Performance
Robert Carver, Brandeis International Business School
6: A Hands-on Inferential Statistics Experiment: Do Students Perceive Value?
Sudipta Roy, University of St. Francis; Richard Kloser, University of St. Francis
7: How Students Make Sense of Data on an E-Learning Platform
Philipp Burckhardt, Carnegie Mellon University; Christopher Genovese, Carnegie Mellon University; Rebecca Nugent, Carnegie Mellon University
8: Efficacy of 'the Islands'-Based Projects Compared to Student-Collected Data Projects in Introductory Statistics Courses
Ryne VanKrevelen, Elon University; Kirsten Doehler, Elon University; Andrea Metts, Elon University; Lisa Rosenberg, Elon University; Laura Taylor, Elon University
9: The Impact of Academically Homogeneous Classrooms in Undergraduate Statistics Education
James Pleuss, United States Military Academy
10: A Didactic Game to Understand Multicollinearity and Its Consequences in a Linear Regression Model
Luis Quiros Gomez, School of Statistics, University of Costa Rica; María José Solís Quirós, School of Statistics, University of Costa Rica; Noelia Rojas Ramírez, School of Statistics, University of Costa Rica
11: The Novel Communication Tool: Mathematics Classroom Collaborator (MC2)
Sohee Kang, University of Toronto Scarborough; Marco Pollanen, Trent University; Sotirios Damouras , University of Toronto Scarborough
12: Predicting Student Performance in Undergraduate Introductory Statistics Courses
Dusty Turner, USMA
14: Type S Error Control in Hypothesis Testing
Andrew Neath, SIU Edwardsville
15: Affordable and Open Educational Resources (OER) in Statistical Education
Suhwon Lee, Univ of Missouri
16: Introducing Forecast Intervals with a Confidence Game
Robin Lock, St. Lawrence University
17: Teaching Statistical Consulting at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions
Tracy Morris, University of Central Oklahoma; Cynthia Murray, University of Central Oklahoma ; Tyler Cook, University of Central Oklahoma
18: Helping All Students Properly Design and Analyze Experiments
Jennifer Broatch, Arizona State University
19: Recreational Statistics at the Junior High/High-School Level
Joy Yang, MIT
20: Providing Introductory Students a Big Data Experience
Paul Stephenson, Grand Valley State University; Patricia Stephenson, Grand Valley State University; Lori Hahn, Grand Valley State University