CC = Vancouver Convention Centre
F = Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
317 * !
Tue, 7/31/2018,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
CC-West 301
The Future of Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Statistics: Perspectives for the Next Generation of Leaders — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment, Section on Bayesian Statistical Science, The International Environmetrics Society
Organizer(s): Christopher K. Wikle, University of Missouri
Chair(s): Christopher K. Wikle, University of Missouri
10:35 AM
How Application Will Drive Future Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Research
Alan E Gelfand, Duke University
11:00 AM
Traversing the Space-Time Cube
Noel Cressie, University of Wollongong
11:25 AM
Horse for Courses: Empirical Vs Mechanistic Modeling for Spatio-Temporal Point Process Data
Peter John Diggle, Lancaster University
11:50 AM
Discussant: Jim Zidek, University of British Columbia
12:15 PM
Floor Discussion