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Abstract Details

Activity Number:
215369 - Adaptive Survey Design (ADDED FEE)
Type: Professional Development
Date/Time: Monday, July 30, 2018 : 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Sponsor: ASA
Abstract #333093
Title: Adaptive Survey Design (ADDED FEE)
Author(s): James Wagner*
Companies: University of Michigan

Many statistical agencies and survey organizations are looking for design options that control costs and errors. This situation has led to a growing interest in adaptive survey designs. Adaptive survey designs are based on the rationale that any population is both heterogeneous in its response and answering behavior to surveys and in its costs to be recruited and interviewed. Different survey design features may be effective for different members of the population. Adaptive survey designs acknowledge these differences by allowing differentiation of survey design features for different population subgroups based on auxiliary data about the sample; the auxiliary data is linked from frame data, registry data or paradata. The strata receive different treatments. This course will focus on practical guidance for building adaptive survey designs, including identification of strata, choice of strategies, and optimization of design features across strata.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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