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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 461 - Bugs, Bugs Everywhere - the Statistics Behind Our Microbiome
Type: Topic Contributed
Date/Time: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 : 8:30 AM to 10:20 AM
Sponsor: Section on Statistical Graphics
Abstract #330964
Title: Interactive Statistical and Visual Analysis of Longitudinal Metagenomic
Author(s): Hector Corradoa Bravo*
Companies: University of Maryland
Keywords: metagenomics; longitudinal data; interactive visualization; smoothing splines

Large studies profiling microbial communities and their association with healthy or disease phenotypes over longitudinal experimental designs are increasingly common. In this talk, we will describe how the Metaviz tool for interactive visualization of metagenomic data allows users to effectively organize, explore and integrate and model longitudinal microbiome data. Metaviz is uniquely designed to address the challenge of browsing the hierarchical structure of data features while rendering visualizations of longitudinal data values that are dynamically updated in response to user navigation. We will describe our modeling approach based smoothing splines, how users can detect intervals of differential community structure across multiple temporal resolutions and how our visualization tools enables effective exploration of taxonomic, experimental and longitudinal data dimensions. Metaviz is free and open source with the code, documentation, and tutorials publicly accessible.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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