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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 358 - Contributed Poster Presentations: Biometrics Section
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Biometrics Section
Abstract #330266
Title: Comparison of the Intrinsic Saturation of Firing Frequency in 4 Simple Neural Models
Author(s): Charles Eugene Smith* and Petr Lansky
Companies: North Carolina State University and Czech Academy of Sciences
Keywords: stochastic models; neurobiology; first passage times

We present preliminary results on a comparison of the intrinsic saturation of firing frequency in 4 simple neural models: leaky integrate-and-fire model, leaky integrate-and-fire model with reversal potentials, two point leaky integrate-and-fire model, and a two point leaky integrate-and-fire model with reversal potentials. Initial results suggest the reversal potential increases the slope of the firing rate vs input curve but does not necessarily induce saturation of firing rate. The two compartment model without the reversal potential does not limit the voltage nor the firing rate. The case of excitatory inputs is considered first and followed by the case of both excitatory and inhibitory inputs. Previous work (Arai and Smith, 2015) showed that the nonlinear Fitzhugh-Naguno membrane voltage model is well approximated by a two point leaky integrate and fire model outside of the Hopf bifurcation region for both Wiener and Poisson synaptic inputs. The Fitzhugh-Naguno model is a two dimensional reduction of the four dimensional Hodgkin-Huxley system. The optimal decoding and information transmission for these 5 neural models is the project's nest stage.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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