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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 323 - Graphics in Statistical Practice: Saying it with Pictures in the Classroom, Boardroom, or the Consulting Cube
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Section on Statistical Graphics
Abstract #326848
Title: Graphs for a Wider Audience: Distilling Complexity in Visuals to Inform Actions
Author(s): Alicia Y. Toledano*
Companies: Biostatistics Consulting, LLC
Keywords: accessible; cognitive load

As an independent consultant my goal is to convey a figure's message in a way that facilitates interpretation by a broad audience. Some are other statisticians; most are non-statisticians who may or may not have had quantitative training (for example: marketing groups, medical reviewers). Some graphical displays are used in multiple settings, including regulatory submissions, product labeling, conference presentations, and papers in the medical literature. Ensuring that each figure can stand on its own enables this re-use to happen efficiently. The foundation for each figure is an accurate display of the information. To make the message accessible we limit cognitive load, formatting the figure to convey meaning in a way that is not overwhelming. For example, we need to label graph axes and decode any symbols, line types, and/or colors; and we should refrain from decoration that does not convey information. When using color we should also ensure that this is not the only way information is given - the graphical display must also work in grayscale. Finally, working with alternative text in electronic documents can help us to design graphical displays around their take home messages.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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