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83 Sun, 7/30/2017, 8:30 PM - 10:30 PM CC-Halls A&B
Your Invited Poster Evening Entertainment: No Longer Board — Invited Poster Presentations
Astrostatistics Special Interest Group , Biometrics Section , Biopharmaceutical Section , Business and Economic Statistics Section , ENAR , Government Statistics Section , IMS , International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) , Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts , Section on Statistical Consulting , Section on Statistical Education , Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science , Section on Statistics and the Environment , Social Statistics Section , Survey Research Methods Section , Section on Statistics in Genomics and Genetics
Chair(s): Jessi Cisewski, Yale University
1: Overview of SAMSI Program on Statistical, Mathematical and Computational Methods for Astronomy (ASTRO) — Gutti Jogesh Babu, The Pennsylvania State University ; David Jones, SAMSI / Duke
2: A Multi-Resolution 3D Map of the Intergalactic Medium via the Lyman-Alpha Forest Collin Eubanks, Carnegie Mellon University ; Jessi Cisewski, Yale University ; Rupert Croft, Carnegie Mellon University ; Doug Nychka, National Center for Atmospheric Research ; Larry Wasserman, Carnegie Mellon
3: Testing Bayesian Galactic Mass Estimates Using Outputs from Hydrodynamical Simulations Gwendolyn Eadie, McMaster University ; Benjamin Keller, McMaster University ; William Harris, McMaster University ; Aaron Springford, Queen's University
4: Quantifying Discovery in Astro/Particle Physics: Frequentist and Bayesian Perspectives David Van Dyk, Imperial College London ; Sara Algeri, Imperial College London ; Jan Conrad, University of Stockholm
5: Computer Model Calibration to Enable Disaggregation of Large Parameter Spaces, with Application to Mars Rover Data David Craig Stenning, SAMSI/Duke University ; Working Group 1 ASTRO Program, SAMSI
6: The Association Between Copy Number Aberration, DNA Methylation, and Gene Expression Wei Sun, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
7: Rerandomization: a Flexible Framework for Experimental Design Kari Lock Morgan, Penn State University
8: IMs for IVs: An Inferential Model Approach to Instrumental Variable Regression Nicholas Aaron Syring, NCSU ; Ryan Martin, NCSU
9: Detecting Differential Gene Expression by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Mingyao R Li, University of Pennsylvania ; Cheng Jia, University of Pennsylvania ; Nancy Ruonan Zhang, Wharton School , University of Pennsylvania
10: Statistical Science and Policy at the EPA Elizabeth Mannshardt, US Environmental Protection Agency
11: Approximate Message Passing Algorithms for High-Dimensional Regression Cynthia Rush, Columbia University
12: Generalized Fiducial Inference for High-Dimensional Data Jan Hannig, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Jonathan P Williams, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
13: The Combination of Confirmatory and Contradictory Statistical Evidence at Low Resolution Ruobin Gong, Harvard University ; Xiao-Li Meng, Harvard University
14: Approximate Confidence Distribution Computing: An Effective Likelihood-Free Method with Statistical Guarantees Suzanne Thornton, Rutgers University ; Minge Xie, Rutgers University
15: R Package TDA for Statistical Inference on Topological Data Analysis Jisu Kim, Carnegie Mellon University
16: Teaching a Large, Project-Based Statistical Consulting Class Emily Griffith, NC State University
17: Transforming Undergraduate Statistics Education Through Experiential Learning: It's Essential! Tracy Morris, University of Central Oklahoma ; Cynthia Murray, University of Central Oklahoma ; Tyler Cook, University of Central Oklahoma
18: The Geometry of Synchronization Problems and Learning Group Actions Tingran Gao, Duke University ; Jacek Brodzki, University of Southampton ; Sayan Mukherjee, Duke University
19: Sufficient Markov Decision Processes with Alternating Deep Neural Networks Longshaokan Wang, North Carolina State University ; Eric Laber, North Carolina State University ; Katie Witkiewitz, University of New Mexico
20: Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes Using Decision Lists Yichi Zhang, Harvard University ; Eric Laber, North Carolina State University ; Anastasios (Butch) Tsiatis, North Carolina State University ; Marie Davidian, North Carolina State University
21: Predicting Phenotypes from Microarrays Using Amplified, Initially Marginal, Eigenvector Regression — Lei Ding, Indiana University ; Daniel J. McDonald, Indiana University
22: Computer Vision Meets Television Taylor Arnold, University of Richmond ; Lauren Tilton, University of Richmond
23: Generalized Fiducial Inference for Nonparametric Function Estimation Randy C.S. Lai, University of Maine
24: A Phylogenetic Transform Enhances Analysis of Compositional Microbiota Data Justin David Silverman, Duke University ; Sayan Mukherjee, Duke University ; Lawrence A David, Duke University
25: Bayesian Multispecies Ecological Models for Paleoclimate Reconstruction Using Inverse Prediction John Tipton, Colorado State University ; Mevin Hooten, Colorado State University
26: Fast Maximum Likelihood Inference for Spatial Generalized Linear Mixed Models Yawen Guan, Penn State University ; Murali Haran, Pennsylvania State University
27: Fair Prediction with Disparate Impact: a Study of Bias in Recidivism Prediction Instruments Alexandra Chouldechova, Carnegie Mellon University
28: I Ran a Nonresponse Follow-Up Survey; Now What Do I Do? Phillip Kott, RTI
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