CC = Baltimore Convention Center,
H = Hilton Baltimore
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
630 *
Thu, 8/3/2017,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Machine Learning Applications — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science
Chair(s): Fei Xue, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
8:35 AM
Quantifying the Influence of Tourism on 19th Century American Landscape Painting Using Galois Lattices of Affiliation Networks
Roger Bilisoly, Central Connecticut State University
8:50 AM
Cyber-Security: a Stochastic Predictive Model to Determine Overall Network Security Risk Using Markovian Process
Nawa Raj Pokhrel
9:05 AM
Beats, Rhymes, Life, and Text Analysis: Analyzing the Lyrics of a Tribe Called Quest
Clayton Barker, SAS Institute
9:20 AM
Statistial Learning in Gender Classification for Facial Images
Cuixian Chen, University of North Carolina, Wilmington ; Yishi Wang, University of North Carolina Wilmington
9:35 AM
Comparison of Variable Selection Methods on a National Survey of Drug Use and Health
Georgiy Bobashev, RTI International ; Li-Tzy Wu, Duke University
9:50 AM
A Data Science Approach to Analyzing Neural Data
Ethan Meyers
10:05 AM
Comparison and validation of statistical methods for predicting tree failure during storm
Elnaz Kabir ; Seth Guikema, University of Michigan