CC = Baltimore Convention Center, H = Hilton Baltimore
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
9 *
Sun, 7/30/2017,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
When Location Is Random: Advances in Statistical Modeling and Inference for Spatial Point Processes — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment , Section on Statistical Computing , Association of American Geographers , Statistics Without Borders
Organizer(s): Veronica J Berrocal, University of Michigan
Chair(s): Veronica J Berrocal, University of Michigan
2:05 PM
Nonparametric Inference for Point Processes
Tailen Hsing, University of Michigan ; Jinqi Shen, University of Michigan
2:30 PM
Spatial Point Processes on the Sphere
Ege Rubak, Aalborg University
2:55 PM
A New Clustered Temporal Point Process Model with Application to Social Media Data
Jingfei Zhang, University of Miami ; Yongtao Guan, University of Miami ; Hansheng Wang, Peking University ; Xuening Zhu, Peking University
3:20 PM
Multivariate Spatial Point Patterns via Correlated Bernoulli Indicators
Matthew Heaton, Brigham Young University ; Matthew Bekker, Brigham Young University
3:45 PM
Floor Discussion