CC = Baltimore Convention Center,
H = Hilton Baltimore
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Mon, 7/31/2017,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
CC-Halls A&B
Contributed Poster Presentations: Government Statistics Section — Contributed Poster Presentations
Government Statistics Section
Chair(s): Jessi Cisewski, Yale University
Deriving Parent-Child Pair Weights for the National Health Interview Survey Data
Guangyu Zhang, National Center for Health Statistics ; Yulei He, National Center for Health Statistics ; Nathaniel Schenker, Retired ; Van Parsons, National Center for Health Statistics
Time Series Reconciliation: a Least-Squares Solution for the Case of High-Frequency Series Exceeding the Period Covered by the Low-Frequency Series
Luis Frank
Accounting for Data Collection Mode in Hot Deck Imputation
Jiantong Wang, RTI International ; Peter Frechtel, RTI International ; Amang Sukasih, RTI International ; David Kinyon, U.S. Energy Information Administration
Visual Validation of Estimates from the Occupation Requirements Survey
Lacoya Theus, Bureau of Labor Statistics ; Andrew Kato, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Classification-Based Uncertainty in Estimating Surveillance-Based Prevalence
Clinton Alverson, CDC/NCBDDD/DCDD/BDB
Combining Survey and Non-Survey Data Sources to Improve Estimated Counts of Certain Work-Related Injuries
Brooks Pierce, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Statistical Considerations of Adhesion Data Analysis in NDA
Yu-Ting Weng, FDA ; Caroline Strasinger, FDA ; Meiyu Shen, C DER, FDA
Generic Areas and Small Area Estimates for Subnational Estimation on the National Crime Victimization Survey
Philip Lee, RTI ; Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International ; Lynn Langton, Bureau of Justice Statistics ; Michael Planty, RTI International
Revisiting the 2009 Iranian Presidential Election: Is There Evidence of Electoral Unfairness?
Ole Forsberg, Knox College
A Natural Language Processing Approach to Content Analysis of Survey Responses
Mary Ann Guadagno, National Inst of Health ; Charles Dumais, NIH/Center for Scientific Review ; Calvin A. Johnson, NIH/Center for Information Technology ; Daniel Russ, NIH/Center for Information Technology
Using Random Survival Forest Modeling to Predict Research and Career Outcomes for the National Institutes of Health's Medical Scientist Training Program Trainees
Katie Patel, National Institutes of Health, Office of Extramural Research ; Deepshikha Roychowdhury, National Institute of Health, Office of Extramural Research ; Katrina Pearson, National Institutes of Health, Office of Extramural Research
An analysis of vehicle purchase behavior of US households
Jijia Wang, Southern Methodist University ; Lynne Stokes, Southern Methodist University ; Hon Keung Tony Ng, Southern Methodist University ; Shuang (Nancy) Li, Southern Methodist University ; Linh Hoang Nghiem, Southern Methodist University ; Rongxiao Huang, Southern Methodist University