CC = Baltimore Convention Center, H = Hilton Baltimore
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
82 *
Sun, 7/30/2017,
4:00 PM -
5:50 PM
Climate and Meteorology — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Lyndsay Shand
4:05 PM
Probing the Association Between the Magnetic Dip Poles and Climate Change Using Indicator Variable Regression
Lewis Shoemaker, Millersville University of Pennsylvania
4:20 PM
A Statistical Framework for Downscaling Climate Model Information to Enhance Infrastructure Design
Ernst Linder, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Hampshire ; Meng Zhao, University of New Hampshire ; Yiming Liu, University of New Hampshire
4:35 PM
Estimating Wind Speed Distributions Using Skewed and Flexible Skewed Distributions: a Monte Carlo Comparison
Mohammad Aziz, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
4:50 PM
Multivariate Spatial Model for Severe Storm Activity
Yen Ning Huang, VCU ; Montserrat Fuentes, Virginia Commonwealth University ; Brian Reich, NCSU ; Eric Gilleland, NCAR
5:05 PM
Floor Discussion