CC = Baltimore Convention Center,
H = Hilton Baltimore
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Tue, 8/1/2017,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
Measuring and Improving the Quality of Government Statistics — Contributed Papers
Government Statistics Section
Chair(s): Michael Davern, NORC at the University of Chicago
10:35 AM
Impact of Persistent Type II Error on Data Quality in Periodic Survey Editing Methods
Brock Webb, U.S. Census Bureau ; Chin-Fang Weng, U.S. Census Bureau
10:50 AM
Quantifying Aggregation Bias in Mortality Trends
Jonathan Auerbach ; Andrew Gelman, Columbia Unversity
11:05 AM
Using a Follow-Up Panel Survey to Evaluate Match Status of a Mortality Linkage Algorithm
Clinton Thompson, NCHS/CDC ; Jerrod Anderson, AHRQ ; Steven Machlin , Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality ; Lisa B Mirel, CDC/NCHS/OAE/SPB
11:20 AM
Predicting Industry Output with Statistical Learning Methods
Peter Meyer, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ; Wendy Martinez, Bureau of Labor Statistics
11:35 AM
Calibration for Domain Totals for Business Surveys
Geoffrey Logan, Statistics Canada ; Leon Jang, Statistics Canada ; Michael A. Hidiroglou, Statistics Canada
11:50 AM
Measurement of Chain Drift in the Chained Consumer Price Index
Joshua Klick, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
12:05 PM
Practical and Theoretical Considerations of Panel Effects for the Current Population Survey's Composite Estimator
Greg Erkens, Bureau of Labor Statistics