CC = Baltimore Convention Center,
H = Hilton Baltimore
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Wed, 8/2/2017,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
Methodological Innovations and Applications in Government Statistics — Contributed Papers
Government Statistics Section
Chair(s): Gina Walejko, U.S. Census Bureau
10:35 AM
Statistical Disclosure Control via Sufficiency Under the Multiple Linear Regression Model
Martin Klein, U.S. Census Bureau ; Gauri Datta, University of Georgia and US Census Bureau
10:50 AM
Combination of Multiplicative Noise and Conditional Group Swapping to Protect Sensitive Survey Data from Disclosure
Anna Oganian, National Center for Health Statistics
11:05 AM
Electronic Data Collection and Corresponding Reduction in Edit Rates in the Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs
Elizabeth Goldberg, U.S. Census Bureau
11:20 AM
Edit Reduction: Identifying Possible Stopping Points and Moving Toward Adaptive Design Techniques
Lisa Kaili Diamond, US Census Bureau ; Justin Nguyen, U.S. Census Bureau ; Brian Arthur Dumbacher, U.S. Census Bureau
11:35 AM
Anthony Mucci, FDA
11:50 AM
Bayesian Modeling of Uncertainties in End-Use Electricity Consumption Amounts Inferences
Hiroaki Minato, U. S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
12:05 PM
Restricted Multinomial Regression for a Triple-System Estimation with List Dependence
Luca Sartore, National Institute of Statistical Sciences ; Habtamu Benecha, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service ; Kelly Toppin, National Agricultural Statistics Service ; Clifford Spiegelman, Texas A&M University