CC = Baltimore Convention Center,
H = Hilton Baltimore
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
648 * !
Thu, 8/3/2017,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
Environmental Statistics on Smart Phones — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Organizer(s): Stefano Castruccio, Newcastle University
Chair(s): Sudipto Banerjee, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
10:35 AM
3D Visualization of Emulators of Climate Model Output on Smart Phones with Virtual Reality
Marc G. Genton, KAUST ; Stefano Castruccio, Newcastle University
10:55 AM
Spectra-Based Clustering Methods for Visualizing Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Winds and Waves in the Red Sea.
Carolina Euan Campos ; Ying Sun, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
11:15 AM
Smartphone-Based Diagnostics of Space-Time Models: From Movies to Apps
Stefano Castruccio, Newcastle University ; Marc G. Genton, KAUST
11:35 AM
Real-Time Earthquake Detection Using Smartphones. Your Smartphone
Francesco Finazzi, Università di Bergamo ; Alessandro Fassò, University of Bergamo
11:55 AM
Discussant: Won Chang, University of Cincinnati
12:15 PM
Floor Discussion