CC = Baltimore Convention Center, H = Hilton Baltimore
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
105 * !
Mon, 7/31/2017,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Recent Advancements and Remaining Challenges of Adaptive Design in Sample Surveys and Censuses — Invited Panel
Survey Research Methods Section , Social Statistics Section , Government Statistics Section , Statistics Without Borders
Organizer(s): Asaph Young Young Chun, US Census Bureau
Chair(s): James Lepkowski, University of Maryland
8:35 AM
Recent Advancements and Remaining Challenges of Adaptive Design in Sample Surveys and Censuses
Asaph Young Young Chun, US Census Bureau
Barry Schouten, Statistics Netherlands
Roger Tourangeau, Westat
Steven Heeringa, University of Michigan
10:10 AM
Floor Discussion