CC = Baltimore Convention Center, H = Hilton Baltimore
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
98 !
Mon, 7/31/2017,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Statistical Learning for Dependent Data — Invited Papers
Business and Economic Statistics Section , Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science , Section on Nonparametric Statistics
Organizer(s): Xianyang Zhang, Texas A&M University
Chair(s): Mohsen Pourahmadi, Texas A&M University
8:35 AM
Group Orthogonal Greedy Algorithm for Change-Point Estimation of Multivariate Time Series
Chun Yip Yau, Chinese University of Hong Kong
9:00 AM
Autoregressive Model for Matrix Valued Time Series
Rong Chen, Rutgers University ; Dan Yang, Rutgers University ; Han Xiao, Rutgers University
9:25 AM
Estimation of Sparse Vector Autoregressive Moving Averages
David S Matteson, Cornell University ; Ines Wilms, KU Leuven ; Jacob Bien, Cornell University
9:50 AM
Time Series Model Fitting and Regularization Methods
Soumendra N Lahiri, North Carolina State University
10:15 AM
Floor Discussion