CC = Baltimore Convention Center,
H = Hilton Baltimore
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
385 * !
Tue, 8/1/2017,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
Machine Learning in Mental Health Research — Invited Papers
Mental Health Statistics Section , National Institute on Drug Abuse-NIH , Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science
Organizer(s): Booil Jo, Stanford University
Chair(s): Booil Jo, Stanford University
2:05 PM
Machine Learning Methods to Improve Causal Inference
Elizabeth Stuart, Johns Hopkins University
2:25 PM
Learning with Latent Trajectory Classes
Chen-Pin Wang, UTHSCSA ; Booil Jo, Stanford University
2:45 PM
Feature Construction for Automatic Detection of Stress and Anxiety
Donna Coffman, Temple University
3:05 PM
Discussant: Michael Freed, National Institute of Mental Health/NIH
3:25 PM
Discussant: Sarah Duffy, National Institute on Drug Abuse
3:45 PM
Floor Discussion