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375 * ! Tue, 8/1/2017, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-349
Negative Results: They're Essential! — Invited Papers
Committee on Professional Ethics , Biopharmaceutical Section , Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences , Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Organizer(s): Rochelle E Tractenberg, Georgetown University
Chair(s): Michael Brewster Hawes, U.S. Department of Education
2:05 PM Negative Findings in Environmental Epidemiology Sidney Stanley Young, CGStat
2:35 PM Big effects of negative results in Big Data: classification errors with differential effects arise from unmodeled latent classes in value-added modeling Futoshi Yumoto, Collaborative for Research on Outcomes and Metrics; Comcasts ; Rochelle E Tractenberg, Georgetown University
3:05 PM Peer Review and Publication of Negative Results: Encouraging Rigor, Reproducibility, and the Integrity of the Scientific Record Rochelle E Tractenberg, Georgetown University
Discussant: John PA Ioannidis, Stanford University School of Medicine
3:35 PM Floor Discussion
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