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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 121 - SPEED: Environmental Statistics
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Monday, July 31, 2017 : 8:30 AM to 10:20 AM
Sponsor: Section on Statistics and the Environment
Abstract #324757
Title: Using generalized linear models to refine management of marten trap lines
Author(s): Alyssa Crawford*
Companies: Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Keywords: wildlife management ; generalized linear model

American marten are an important furbearer species in North America and have long been a part of the fur trapping industry throughout Alaska. Managers and trappers need methods to monitor and manage local marten populations such as an in-season harvest threshold that can indicate population status. We estimate the in-season harvest threshold using the entire season harvest from trappers throughout Interior Alaska from 2007-2016. A generalized linear model is used to estimate a relationship between the response variable of juvenile to adult female ratio and explanatory variable of proportion of juvenile. Trappers may check their own trap lines to compare with the in-season threshold, and decide to continue harvesting.

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