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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 461 - SPEED: Machine Learning
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 : 8:30 AM to 10:20 AM
Sponsor: Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science
Abstract #324091 View Presentation
Title: Adaptive Pruning for Random Forests: It Helps
Author(s): Thomas Loughin* and Andrew Henrey
Companies: Simon Fraser University and Simon Fraser University
Keywords: node size ; regression trees ; likelihood ; information criteria

Tuning the tree sizes in a random forest is not generally recommended, but we have found cases where the default node sizes are not adequate. However, tuning node size or CV-pruning trees within the forest is presently expensive. We develop a fast pruning method based on local likelihoods and a custom-developed information criterion (IC). The amount of pruning is controlled by adaptively adjusting the IC penalty. The method can automatically select the pruning level in roughly the same time as it takes to build the forest. In 13 example data sets, RMSE is never significantly increased compared to the default, and is sometimes significantly lowered by using this pruning.

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