The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) collects nationally-representative data on use and expenditures for health services and insurance coverage each year, and summary tables are produced annually to disseminate this information. Since the beginning of the survey in 1996, numerous tools have been developed to improve data exploration. For this project, I use R's Shiny package to improve user interface and facilitate exploration of the standard summary tables presented on the MEPS website, combining data from over 350 tables from 14 years into a single interactive application. This presentation will demonstrate key features of the application, including options to produce cross-tabulations based on subgroups of interest, plots from ggplot2, options to download the specified table and figures, and a feature that generates R code needed to reproduce the summarized data. I discuss challenges overcome in the construction and implementation of the app, with particular focus on meeting 508 compliance (accessibility) standards, and working within federal regulations to host Shiny server for public use.