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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 121 - SPEED: Environmental Statistics
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Monday, July 31, 2017 : 8:30 AM to 10:20 AM
Sponsor: Section on Statistics and the Environment
Abstract #323663 View Presentation
Title: Extreme Value Based Methods for Modeling Elk Dispersal
Author(s): Dhanushi Wijeyakulasuriya* and Ephraim M Hanks and Benjamin A Shaby
Companies: Pennsylvania State University and The Pennsylvania State University and Penn State University
Keywords: spatial extremes ; elk dispersal

The dispersal of elk in Yellowstone National Park is an important driver in the spread of the infectious disease Brucellocis through both elk and cattle. Elk movement shows both heavy-tailed dispersal behavior and nonuniform habitat selection as elk avoid high elevations during the winter months. We model both phenomena jointly by proposing an extreme value distribution model for heavy-tailed elk dispersal, modeled either using spliced or mixture distributions for dispersal distance. This dispersal model is paired with a resource selection function approach for elk habitat preference. We apply this approach to 700 elk-years of elk movement, and explore possible spread of infectious disease through Yellowstone National Park model through simulation studies.

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