The ENVR Board is pleased to announce a graduate student mentoring opportunity. ENVR will host a breakfast roundtable Mentoring Session at JSM 2017. The mentoring session is designed to encourage diverse participation and engage students who may not normally have access to or interaction with more senior, advanced-career members of the ENVR community. ENVR Mentors have experience across academics, industry, and government. The ENVR mentoring session will provide an opportunity for an informal "meet and greet" between ENVR mentors and mentees, as well as organized mentor/mentee activities. Activities, based on a professional mentoring program, would provide small group face-to-face time, opportunities for career discussions, and targeted coaching on "professional small talk". The ENVR Mentors include Montse Fuentes, Dean, College of Humanities and Sciences at Virginia Commonwealth University; Megan Higgs, Statistician with Neptune and Company and Past ENVR Chair; and Mevin Hooten, Associate Professor at Colorado State University. Student application information can be found on the ENVR section website: http://community.amstat.org/envr/events/mentoring