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Activity Number: 204 - Recent Development in Statistical Methods for Analyzing Big and Complex Neuroimaging Data
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Monday, July 31, 2017 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: ENAR
Abstract #321919 View Presentation
Title: Recent Development in Statistical Methods for Analyzing Big and Complex Neuroimaging Data
Author(s): Ciprian M Crainiceanu*
Companies: Johns Hopkins University
Keywords: R ; imaging ; MRI ; CT ; PET ; EEG

The number of Statisticians involved in impactful Neuroimaging research has been small. Major reasons for this bewildering reality have been the relatively steep learning curve, the lack of educational materials, and the parallel development between Neuroimaging tools and methodology on one side and R on the other side. In this talk I will describe NeuroconductoR, a platform for R packages dedicated to imaging research and inspired by the highly successful BioconductoR platform for Genomics. NeuroconductoR will use new tools that have become available including GitHuB and Travis CI. NeuroconductoR provides an organization of available imaging software in R, provides educational tools, and takes advantage of the latest versions of Neuroimaging platforms including ANTSand fsl.?

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