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Sessions Were Renumbered as of May 19.

CC-W = McCormick Place Convention Center, West Building,   CC-N = McCormick Place Convention Center, North Building
H = Hilton Chicago,   UC= Conference Chicago at University Center
* = applied session       ! = JSM meeting theme

Activity Details

323 * ! Tue, 8/2/2016, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-W175c
Bayesian and Advanced Analytic Methods in Health Policy — Contributed Papers
Health Policy Statistics Section , International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) , Section on Bayesian Statistical Science
Chair(s): Wei Shen, Eli Lilly and Company
8:35 AM Least Squares Regression Methods for Clustered ROC Data with Discrete Covariates Liansheng Tang, George Mason University/National Institutes of Health ; Wei Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences ; Qizhai Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences ; Xuan Ye, George Mason University/FDA ; Leighton Chan, National Institutes of Health
9:05 AM Bayesian Covariance Analysis of Geographical Variation in Medicare Service Use Alan M. Zaslavsky, Harvard Medical School ; James O'Malley, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth ; Bruce E. Landon, Harvard Medical School
9:20 AM Bayesian Estimation of the Three Key Parameters in CT for the National Lung Screening Trial Data Ruiqi Liu, University of Louisville ; Beth Levitt, Information Management Services ; Tom Riley, Information Management Services ; Dongfeng Wu, University of Louisville
9:35 AM Using Bayesian Quantile Regression Model with Group LASSO to Identify Key Health Risk Assessment Variables and Evaluate Their Predictive Power in the Patient's Future Medical Costs Hsiu-Ching Chang, BlueCross BlueShield of MI ; Hyokyoung (Grace) Hong, Michigan State University ; Yu Yue, Baruch College ; Min Tao, BlueCross BlueShield of MI ; Darline El Reda, Michigan State University
9:50 AM Predictive Modeling of Inpatient Fall of Stroke Patients Using electronic medical records data Yin Liu, Princeton Pharmatech ; Cindy Jin, Lawrenceville School ; Jeffrey Yangang Zhang, Princeton Pharmatech
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