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Activity Number: 343
Type: Topic Contributed
Date/Time: Tuesday, August 2, 2016 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Biopharmaceutical Section
Abstract #320885 View Presentation
Title: Two Approaches for Conducting Control-Based Imputation in Handling Missing Data
Author(s): Guanghan Liu*
Companies: Merck Research Laboratories
Keywords: Missing data ; Multiple imputation ; Control-based imputation

Sensitivity analyses using multiple imputation (MI) provide a flexible approach to assess the impact of missing data on clinical trial results. An approach which imputes missing data in the test drug group using a model built from the control group has gained attention in recent research. This control-based imputation (CBI) approach typically provides a conservative point estimate for treatment difference. A standard multiple imputation approach with Rubin's rule is commonly used to implement this method. However, the combined variance from Rubin's rule may over-estimate the variability. In this talk, we show an alternative implementation using a delta-adjustment approach for tipping point analysis which helps us to understand and interpret the results from CBI using MI method with Rubin's rule. In addition, we propose a new sensitivity measure for assessing the robustness of the result obtained under a missing at random (MAR) assumption. Results from simulation studies and applications to a longitudinal clinical trial dataset are presented for illustration.

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