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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 362
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Tuesday, August 2, 2016 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Biopharmaceutical Section
Abstract #320659
Title: Searching for Correlates of Protection for Ebola Vaccine
Author(s): Jin Xu* and Kenneth Liu and Ivan S. F. Chan
Companies: Merck and Merck and Merck
Keywords: Correlate of protection ; Ebola vaccine ; Bridging ; Logistic regression ; Threshold ; Classification Error

An immune response as correlate of protection (CoP) is of great value in vaccine development. It can be used to aid development of new vaccine, assess consistency of vaccine manufacturing process, or bridge vaccine formulations. Thus, it is desirable to establish a CoP for an Ebola vaccine. However, the vaccine presents a unique challenge; no study so far was able to collect both Ebola disease status and immune response together from human subjects to allow a direct analysis of immune response and disease status. This presentation will explore methods using non-human primes (NHP) to establish a CoP and bridge from NHP to human to estimate vaccine's efficacy in human.

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