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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 88
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Sunday, July 31, 2016 : 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Sponsor: Section on Statistical Graphics
Abstract #320629
Title: Communicate Better with R, R Markdown, and Shiny
Author(s): Garrett Grolemund*
Companies: RStudio
Keywords: communication ; reproducibility ; interactive graphics ; R ; R Markdown ; Shiny

Statisticians master mathematical theory to prepare for their work; but the effectiveness of a statistician is also limited by non-mathematical concerns. Factors such as how easy it is to reproduce research, collaborate with other statisticians, and report results can determine whether or not an insight is discovered and used.

You can streamline all of these factors with the same software that you use to analyze data. The R programming language-widely used for statistical analysis-includes a time-saving workflow for collaboration, reporting, and reproducible research. You can use R's R Markdown package to save analysis in a sharable, reproducible format, and then use the format to automatically generate up-to-date html, pdf, and MS Word reports. You can use R's Shiny package to deliver your work as an interactive application for non-programmers. With a few keystrokes or mouse clicks, your audience will be able to explore and stress test your data and results.

This poster will demonstrate the R Markdown and Shiny workflows with an inspirational example. You'll see that it is easy to use these tools, and that it is very worthwhile to do so.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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