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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 182
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Monday, August 1, 2016 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: IMS
Abstract #320101
Title: Nonparametric Regression Method for Broad Sense Agreement
Author(s): AKM F. Rahman* and Limin Peng and Amita Manatunga and Ying Guo
Companies: Emory University and Emory University and Emory University and Emory University
Keywords: Broad sense agreement ; Jackknife ; Nonparametric regression ; U-statistic

Characterizing the correspondence between an ordinal measurement and a continuous measurement is often of interest in mental health studies. To this end, Peng et al.(2011) introduced the concept of broad sense agreement (BSA) and developed nonparametric estimation and inference for a BSA measure. In this work, we propose a nonparametric regression framework for BSA, which provides a robust tool to further investigate population heterogeneity in BSA. We develop inferential procedures including regression function estimation and hypothesis testing. Extensive simulation studies demonstrate satisfactory performance of the proposed method. We also apply the new method to a recent Grady Trauma Study and reveal an interesting impact of depression severity on the alignment between a self-reported symptom instrument and clinician diagnosis in posttraumatic stress disorder (PSTD) patients.

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