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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 357
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Tuesday, August 2, 2016 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Biometrics Section
Abstract #318887 View Presentation
Title: Analysis of Variance Components for Genetic Markers with Unphased Genotypes
Author(s): Tao Wang*
Companies: Medical College of Wisconsin
Keywords: ANOVA ; Fisher's ANOVA model ; General linear model ; Genetic variance components ; Orthogonal partition ; Least square estimates

In analysis of variance (ANOVA) for genetic markers, the classical ANOVA methods may not be directly applicable. In humans, though we can treat the paternal and maternal alleles as two separate risk factors, the marker genotypes are often incomplete because their phase information (i.e., the origin of the parental alleles) is missing from most of the current genotype typing technologies. In this study, using a revised Fisher's ANOVA model, we examine estimation and hypothesis testing of the variance components for genetic markers with unphased genotypes based on a random sample from a study population. We show that this revised ANOVA model can retain the same partition on the genetic variance components as the traditional Fisher's ANOVA model. We clarify the difference between the hypothesis tests of the fixed effects in a classical dummy-variable based general linear model (GLM) and the variance components in the revised ANOVA model. We point out that this revised ANOVA model can reduce the confounding between the additive allelic effects and allelic interactions. As a result, it could be more beneficial than the classical GLM for detecting allelic interactions.

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