Conducting clinical trials across multiple regions of the world has become common practice. A multiregional clinical trial (MRCT) presents opportunities as well as challenges. However, regional differences of treatment effects appear in many MRCTs, which make the interpretation of clinical trial results difficult and present challenges for clinical trial design. Alzheimer disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects approximately 5 million people in the United States. In this presentation, we utilize data from New Drug Applications (NDAs) that have been approved for the treatment of AD to study whether there are differences in treatment effect between US and non-US study sites. Using an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) model and forest plot, we analyze the treatment difference by region from 3 separate perspectives. Overall, the analyses indicate that treatment effects in clinical trials for AD are generally in the expected direction in both US and non-US sites. There was no clear evidence of heterogeneity in treatment effects between US and non-US sites. It appears that there is no clear evidence to suggest that MRCTs should not be used to study AD.