JSM 2015 Online Program

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Legend: Washington State Convention Center = CC, Sheraton Seattle = S, Grand Hyatt = GH and The Conference Center = TCC
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Activity Details

CE_11C Sun, 8/9/2015, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM S-Willow B
Functional Data Analysis: Methods and Computing (ADDED FEE) — Professional Development Continuing Education Course
Functional Data Analysis (FDA) is a class of statistical methods that apply to repeated, complex processes. Classical examples include motion capture data in which subjects repeat the same action several times. These actions are recorded with very high frequency and accuracy, but will differ from repeat to repeat and subject to subject. Because the process is complicated, they are modeled as nonparametric functions of time; methods in FDA are used to describe variation between curves and relationships between these curves and other quantities. While motion capture data serves as a useful motivation, FDA can be applied in a variety of applications and does not require precise or high-frequency measurements of every curve. This course will introduce participants to the statistical methods of functional data analysis modeling and computational tools to carry them out. We will briefly review techniques for nonparametric smoothing to represent individual functions before developing methods to describe distributions of functions and variation between them. The course will examine extensions of linear regression, generalized linear models, and generalized additive models to the cases where functional data serve either as covariates or a response. We also will describe methods in two areas unique to FDA: curve alignment-in which we try to match the timing of features between different curves-and dynamics-in which a derivative of the function, or relationships between derivatives, serve as the relevant question of interest. The course will provide example code that makes heavy use of the fda package in R; further software resources that replicate or extend this functionality will be cited.
Instructor(s): Giles Hooker, Cornell University

For program information, contact the JSM Registration Department or phone (888) 231-3473.

For Professional Development information, contact the Education Department.

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