JSM 2015 Online Program

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Legend: Washington State Convention Center = CC, Sheraton Seattle = S, Grand Hyatt = GH and The Conference Center = TCC
* = applied session       ! = JSM meeting theme

Activity Details

615 Wed, 8/12/2015, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-611
Statistical Issues Specific to Therapeutic Areas IV — Contributed Papers
Biopharmaceutical Section
Chair(s): Eric Pulkstenis, MedImmune
2:05 PM POS Calculation for Binary Endpoint Based on Small Samples Gang Jia, Merck ; Yang Song, Merck
2:20 PM Basket Trial Using Bayesian Hierarchical Models Zijiang Yang
2:35 PM Bayesian Adaptive Randomization: A Mixture of Response-Based and Covariate-Balanced Approach Shanhong Guan
2:50 PM Use of Utility Functions That Combine Safety and Efficacy Endpoints for Early-Phase Trials for Oral Mucositis Kevin Lawson, PPD ; Tingting Song, PPD
3:05 PM Using Continual Reassessment Method to Design an Intracerebral Hemorrhage Trial to Estimate Maximum Tolerated Dose — Harry Shi, Pfizer Inc. ; Inna Perevozskaya, Pfizer Inc. ; Gerry Li, Pfizer Inc.
3:20 PM A New Approach to Multiple Testing of Grouped Hypotheses with Some Applications Yanping Liu, Temple University ; Sanat Sarkar, Temple University ; Zhigen Zhao, Temple University
3:35 PM Floor Discussion

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