JSM 2015 Online Program

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Legend: Washington State Convention Center = CC, Sheraton Seattle = S, Grand Hyatt = GH and The Conference Center = TCC
* = applied session       ! = JSM meeting theme

Activity Details

603 * ! Wed, 8/12/2015, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-613
SIE CP7: Environmental Epidemiology — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics in Epidemiology , Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Julia (Jungwha) Lee, Northwestern Univerisity
2:05 PM Detection of Space-Time Clusters via Adaptive Likelihood Ratio Statistics Luiz Duczmal, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais ; Max Sousa de Lima, Universidade Federal do Amazonas
2:20 PM WITHDRAWN: On the Shape of an Exposure-Disease Relationship, the Average Effect of Exposure, and the Impact of Exposure Measurement Error — Li Xing, Indiana University ; Paul Gustafson, The University of British Columbia ; Igor Burstyn, Drexel University
2:35 PM Evaluation of Source-Specific Health Effects on Low Daily Mortality Accounting for Uncertainty in Source Apportionment Eun Sug Park, Texas A&M Transportation Institute ; Man-Suk Oh, Ewha Womans University
2:50 PM Assessment of Residential History Generation in the Spatial Analysis of Disease Risk David Wheeler, Virginia Commonwealth University
3:05 PM Estimating Associations Between Source-Apportioned Particulate Matter and Emergency Department Visits in Multicity Studies Jenna Krall ; James A. Mulholland, Georgia Institute of Technology ; Armistead G. Russell, Georgia Institute of Technology ; Sivaraman Balachandran, University of Cincinnati ; Andrea Winquist, Emory University ; Paige E. Tolbert, Emory University ; Lance Waller, Emory University ; Stefanie Ebelt Sarnat, Emory University
3:20 PM Floor Discussion

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