JSM 2015 Online Program

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Legend: Washington State Convention Center = CC, Sheraton Seattle = S, Grand Hyatt = GH and The Conference Center = TCC
* = applied session       ! = JSM meeting theme

Activity Details

6 Sun, 8/9/2015, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM TCC-204
Scaling Up Response Surface Models for Big Geostatistical and Computer Simulation Data — Invited Papers
Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences , Quality and Productivity Section , Section on Statistics and the Environment , Conference on Statistical Practice Steering Committee
Organizer(s): Robert B. Gramacy, The University of Chicago
Chair(s): Robert B. Gramacy, The University of Chicago
2:05 PM Parallelizing Gaussian Process Calculations in R Christopher J. Paciorek, UC Berkeley ; Benjamin Lipshitz, UC Berkeley ; Wei Zhu, IBM ; Mr. Prabhat, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory ; Cari Kaufman, UC Berkeley ; Rollin Thomas, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
2:30 PM Multi-Resolution Spatial Methods for Large Data Sets Doug Nychka, National Center for Atmospheric Research ; Dorit Hammerling, National Center for Atmospheric Research ; Zachary Thomas, The Ohio State University ; William Kleiber, University of Colorado
2:55 PM Nearest-Neighbor Gaussian Process Models for Bayesian Inference on Large Spatio-Temporal Data Sudipto Banerjee, UCLA ; Abhirup Datta, University of Minnesota ; Andrew O. Finley, Michigan State University
3:20 PM Fast Methods for Creating Accurate Emulators via Sparse Grid Designs Matthew Plumlee, Georgia Institute of Technology
3:45 PM Floor Discussion

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