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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 377
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 : 10:30 AM to 11:15 AM
Sponsor: Health Policy Statistics Section
Abstract #317804
Title: Combining Item Response Theory with Multiple Imputation to Crosswalk Between Health Assessment Questionnaire
Author(s): Chenyang Gu* and Roee Gutman and Vincent Mor
Companies: and Brown University and Brown University
Keywords: Item non-response ; missing data ; multiple imputation ; crosswalk ; generalized partial credit model

The assessment of patients' functional status across the continuum of care requires a common patient assessment tool. However, assessment tools used in various health care settings differ and cannot be easily contrasted. The Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Patient Assessment Instrument (IRF-PAI) is used to measure activities of daily living when patients stay in a rehabilitation facility; after discharge, the Minimum Data Set (MDS) is collected on patients staying in a nursing home, and the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) is used for patients using a home health facility. To compare patients' functional status across facilities, we assume that all patients have observed IRF-PAI and treat the unmeasured MDS or OASIS items as missing. We propose a variant of the predictive mean matching method that relies on the generalized partial credit model to impute the missing measurement items. Using real data sets, we simulated missing measurements and compared our proposed approach to existing methods for missing data imputation. For all of the estimands examined, the proposed approach had better coverages, smaller biases, and shorter interval estimates.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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