JSM 2015 Online Program

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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 250
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Monday, August 10, 2015 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Survey Research Methods Section
Abstract #317145 View Presentation
Title: Nonresponse Analysis for School Surveys
Author(s): Ronaldo Iachan* and Maria Profiryakova and Kurt Peters
Companies: ICF International and ICFI and ICFI
Keywords: Nonresponse ; Adjustments ; recursive partitioning ; propensity models

This research is focused on the selection of predictors for non-response analysis and weight adjustments for school survey data. Weighting classes for non-response adjustments are formed using a set of core variables that are correlated with response behavior and with survey outcomes, with the intent of minimizing the potential non-response bias (balanced against acceptable increases in weighting variance). The choice of variables to use when defining weighting classes is determined by measures of variable importance for predicting response. This study compares the use of response propensity models estimated using mixed effects logistic regression and a range of recursive partitioning methods for evaluating variable importance and the resulting bias reduction achieved through non-response weighting adjustments. Mixed effects models are run using SAS Proc Glimmix that allows modeling of random effects (e.g. school, class) and works best for modelling response indicator variables that follow exponential distributions.

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