JSM 2015 Online Program

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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 527
Type: Topic Contributed
Date/Time: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Section on Nonparametric Statistics
Abstract #316954
Title: Partly Parametric Generalized Additive Model
Author(s): Kung-Sik Chan* and Tianyang Zhang
Companies: The University of Iowa and Travelers
Keywords: Consistency ; Asymptotic normality ; GAM ; Generalized nonlinear regression ; Penalized likelihood

In many scientific studies, the response variable bears a generalized nonlinear regression relationship with a certain covariate of interest, which may, however, be confounded by other covariates with unknown functional form. We propose a new class of models, the partly parametric generalized additive model (PPGAM) for doing generalized nonlinear regression with the confounding covariate effects adjusted nonparametrically. The response distribution is assumed to belong to the exponential family with the mean linked to an additive predictor comprising a nonlinear parametric function that is of main interest, plus additive, smooth functions of other covariates. The PPGAM extends both the generalized additive model (GAM) and the generalized nonlinear regression model. We propose to estimate a PPGAM by the method of penalized likelihood. We derive some asymptotic properties of the penalized likelihood estimator, including consistency and asymptotic normality of the parametric estimator of the nonlinear regression component. We propose a model selection criterion for the PPGAM, which resembles the BIC. We illustrate the new methodologies by simulations and real applications.

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