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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 237
Type: Topic Contributed
Date/Time: Monday, August 10, 2015 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Social Statistics Section
Abstract #316936 View Presentation
Title: A Case Study of Natural Leadership in Statistics: Elizabeth L. Scott
Author(s): Amanda Golbeck*
Companies: University of Montana
Keywords: leading up ; thought leadership ; status of academic women ; statistical reasoning ; influence ; advocacy

The late UC-Berkeley Statistics Professor Elizabeth L. Scott (1917-1988) provides an interesting case study of leadership. Scott competently held several titled organizational administrative positions, including being the first woman chair of the Berkeley statistics department; and several top professional association positions, including being the first woman president of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. However, where she blossomed as a leader was in the women's movement beginning in the 1960's. There she partnered with many individuals and organizations to effectively use statistical reasoning and thinking to advocate for the status of academic women. Scott is recognized for her "lifelong efforts to further the careers of women in academia" in the form of the Elizabeth L. Scott Award administered by the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies. If you have ever asked yourself as a statistician, how can I be a leader when I don't have a titled organizational administrative position, then you will find Scott's story to be illuminating. In this presentation, I will share some insights into Scott's leadership journey based on my archival research and interviews.

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